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Frequently Asked Questions

How do we place an order?

Simply email us at & one our account handlers will help/ talk you through the process.

Once we finalise designs for kits & setup a merchandise range, all you need to do is give us a list of sizes, numbers, names required & the delivery address.

We then send you a proof to check over & approve, along with an invoice.

Order can be placed at anytime, as ebverything we do is custom made to order.

Where do we find size guides?

Sublimated Kits & Shooting shirts size guides can be downloaded from these links:  Adult kits    Kids Kits   Shooting Shirts

Merchandise items - all size guides & colour options are in the photos for each item on the page " ALL MERCH OPTIONS"

Where do we find the merchandise Prices?

You can download our full range price list here

How do we create our clubs merchandise range ?

Follow the instructions on the CREATE YOUR CLUB MERCH RANGE page & let our in house designers create the look want.

We can then create a range of products for you to sell to your club members however you wish.

We can put your club merch catalogue on our website, for your club members to view & order directly from us.


We can supply the catlaogue as a pdf or the images/ info for you to add to your own website, so you can take orders & then pass on to us. This allows you to add a little extra to each item, to help raise club funds.

Some teams pass on orders as & when they recive them. 

Others clubs have an order deadline fo club members ( once a month or quarterly) & send bulk orders to us.

How long to orders take to be delivered ?

Everything we do is custom made to order.

Sublimated items ( kits, training vests & shooting shirts) take between 5-7 weeks.

Merchandise items take between 3 to 21 days. ( this depends on stock levels with our suppliers )

What are the postage costs on orders ?

All prices shown on our site or march pdf DO NOT include postage.

We calculate the postage depending on the size of order. ( Between £4 & £20 max )

For example:

and order of 1 tshirt will be £4 royal mail

An order of 12 or more kits will be £10 via courier.

A bulk order of 30 kits, 20 hoodies, 10 t-shirts, 5 beanies & 3 holdalls will be £20 via courier.

If you have any other questions please feel free to email us.

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